It's the season of love, and what better way to celebrate than with your favorite fictional characters? Presenting our new, limited edition Valentine's Day Bundle! Let us determine your soulmate in your favorite fandom, or take the reins and tell us who you want to be matched with!
Here's what you'll get:
- A sweet, custom Valentine from your match
- A list of personalized headcanons regarding their top 3 Love Languages (as are determined by our writers)
- A list of their cute nicknames for you
- A snippet of your text convos with them
- Four romantic songs that we feel describe your relationship best
- And, best of all, a mini drabble about how you and your Soulmate spend Valentine's Day together!
Availble only until March 1st! Get one before it's too late.
Valentine's Day Bundle
What will you recieve?
After you complete your purchase, you'll receive a PDF notecard with a link to the Valentine's Bundle Google Form. You'll fill out this form and then in 2-3 weeks you'll receive your Valentine's Bundle in your email!